Friday, February 1, 2013

Habit Experiment

For our addictions class, we are doing an experiment in which we are choosing a habit to change. We began tracking our habits two weeks ago and kept track of how often we did specific habits. After tracking our habits, we chose one to change. We will work for 90 days to change the habit and continually keep track of how often it occurs, what we do to try to change the habit, and the results of the experiment.
The habit that I chose to change for this experiment is my exercise routine. I want to begin working out at least four times a week, every week. The reason that I chose this for my habit is the fact that I always want to exercise more. Every time I do this though I am successful the first week, but after that I make excuses, such as I am too busy, too tired, etc. And so I am going to use this experiment as a way to force me to stick to this habit. This change will impact me in that I will become more physically healthy and will feel better. Also, when I do not work out I do not sleep as well, and so I am hoping that by doing this I will begin to sleep better. I am very committed to making this change and would my commitment as 8 out of 10.

My specific goals pertaining to my new exercise plan is to work out at least four times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. I will track this every week and keep track of any reasons I do not workout. In order to be successful, I am going to try to go to the gym when my friends go. This will make it more fun for me and they will also encourage me to go even when I am busy or tired.  


  1. This week I attended the gym two times for 45 minutes. This is an improvement from last week. I think the fact that I was tracking how often I was going to the gym helped because I was more aware of it. Also, I asked my friends to go with me which helped motivate me to go to the gym. A trigger that I noticed that keeps me from going to the gym is when I feel stressed about school work or overwhelmed. I was not completely able to overcome this trigger this week, but I am going to work hard next week to do better. Next week I am going to schedule times everyday when I can go to the gym. This will help me to stay more consistent and motivate me to go more.

  2. This week I made a little progress with attending the gym. I attended the gym three times this week. I did not make it to my goal of four because I was sick and so I was unable to make it earlier in the week. I tried to pay more attention to my triggers this week, which helped me to go to the gym and not make excuses. I think that my friends are trying to encourage me to go to the gym more, which is helping, but I did not schedule times like I wanted. In order to do better next week I am going to make sure to schedule times that I want to go to the gym.

  3. I made a lot of progress this week on my habit. This week I attended the gym five times, which is one more than I made my goal. Scheduling time to go to the gym and my friends giving me encouragement to go made me more successful. I did not encounter any new triggers to me not going to the gym this week. I need to continue with what I have done this week in order to remain successful.

  4. This week I did pretty well with going to the gym. I attended the gym four times and I even ran a 5k with one of my friends. I think that scheduling my workout times has immensely helped me to continue going to the gym regularly as well as encouragement from numerous friends. Running the 5k really felt like an accomplishment and I hope that this helps to encourage me to continue going to the gym regularly. The only trigger that I noticed this week was that when I am tired I do not feel motivated to go to the gym. I need to pay attention to this and make sure that I do not let myself use this as an excuse. Next week I am going to continue with the scheduling and also pay attention to my sleep schedule so hopefully I am not so tired.

  5. Lately I have been doing pretty good with continuing to work out. I struggled a little over spring break because I was not at school where I have a routine. I think that it is going to be really important for me to make sure that over the summer I continue to schedule times to workout like I do when I am at school. I think that I am currently in the management phase in that I am working on continuing this activity and seeing how it has positively impacted my life.

  6. This week I have been doing great with my habit. I am happy to report that working out almost daily has become a lot easier and I have even started to enjoy doing it. I hope that this continues over break as usually I am not as apt to workout at home. I am going to work hard this weekend though to continue my schedule.

  7. This week has been going well. I have been working out regularly, however over break I struggled maintaining my schedule. To continue working out over summer, I will need to come up with a schedule. I am happy that it has become much easier to go to the gym and I have stopped making so many excuses as to why I cannot go.

  8. This week I did pretty well with working out. I went to the gym almost every day during the week, however I struggled over the weekend when I was not on campus. This is definitely something I will need to work at in order to continue working out when I go home for the summer. Working out is now something that I enjoy doing and I often look forward to it because it makes me feel accomplished. I look forward to continuing this habit and hope that I can work towards continuing over the summer.
