Sunday, April 28, 2013

Final Habit Post

The behavior I selected in the beginning of the semester to change was my work out schedule. My overall goal by the end of the semester was to be working out at least four times a week. I chose this behavior because I wanted to try to do something that would benefit me in some way and that would make me feel better about myself. In working out I would be healthier and would feel physically and mentally better. I also know that working out is a good coping strategy for stress. Since this was my most challenging semester since beginning college I felt I needed something to help me to cope. In order to be successful at making working out a habit, I needed to not only be motivated to go to the gym, but also I needed to stop procrastinating and making excuses.
At first it was very difficult for me to continually go to the gym at least four times a week. I struggled a lot in the beginning because I often made excuses that I was too busy that day or I would procrastinate and tell myself that I would definitely go to the gym tomorrow. Usually I did not go to the gym the next day. I had to finally accept that I was the problem and that I had to schedule time to go to the gym in order to be successful at this project. When I began scheduling times to go to the gym, it made it a little easier to be motivated to go to the gym. I still had some difficulty though. Since my tactics were not working as well as I had hoped, I decided to ask some of my friends to go to the gym with me on different days. This helped me a lot because they motivated me to go when I did not feel like it or felt like I did not have time. Throughout the semester it became easier to go to the gym continually and I even began going five or six times a week at one point. However, when I went home on Spring Break and for Easter, I had a bit of a relapse. I got out of my routine and when I got back to school it was a little difficult to become motivated again. It was not as difficult as when I first started however. Today, sometimes I still find myself making excuses or procrastinating going to the gym, but I have begun to take notice when I do this and push myself to do what is healthy for me.
At first I did not have much support to make working out a habit. However, when I began to go to the gym with my friends it made it a lot easier to become motivated to go and made it a lot more fun. Some days I even looked forward to going to the gym. My friends motivated me to go to the gym when I did not feel like it or when I felt overwhelmed with my work. I think that working out with my friends is a major reason for why I was successful with making working out a habit in my daily life.
One thing that I learned about myself through this assignment is that if I work hard I can accomplish anything that I want to. I also learned how much I procrastinate and make excuses for things that I do not want to do. I think that this is human nature to procrastinate when you do not want to do something, but in doing this project, I realized how much this affects my life. Becoming aware of how often I procrastinate and make excuses has helped me in not only being successful in this project, but also in other areas of my life. I have since been working on not procrastinating with school work. If I had not completed this project, I would not have realized how much stress procrastinating causes in my life. I also learned that I need to be willing to accept help. When I began this project I thought it would be easy for me to motivate myself to go to the gym. I did not think that I needed anyone’s help and that I could do it completely on my own. I learned through this project though that it is not always possible in life to accomplish everything on your own. I learned that sometimes, asking for help can be a good thing and that it can help me to accomplish my goals. I also learned not to give up especially when things were difficult. When I began this project, it was really difficult for me to make time in my schedule and to motivate myself to go to the gym. I continued to work at it though because I knew that it would be better for me in the end. Also, a big source of motivation was the fact that I did not want to have to write about how I did poorly on this project at the end of the semester. I learned that if I continue working at something, it will eventually get easier and I will be happier with the success in the end.
My habit was a small scale of what we have learned about in class. I feel that a lot of what we learned connects to my experience, which helped me during class. This allowed me to connect what we were learning to something I was actually experiencing, which made some of the concepts easier to understand. One concept that I thought about a lot during my experience was the Trans theoretical Model. The Trans theoretical Model included the stages precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. In a way I watched my progress through this model and it allowed me to see that I was making progress. Today I believe that I am in the maintenance phase in that I am working to continue to work out at least four times a week.
Throughout the semester we talked about the fact that in order to overcome an addiction, it is important to not only change that specific behavior, but also needing to change your thoughts and other behaviors. I experienced this during the project because I realized that in order to be successful I needed to change how I thought about working out and also my other behaviors. I found that when I ate better I was more inclined to go to the gym. I also found that it was necessary for me to be more organized and to plan my day ahead of time. I changed the way I thought about working out in that instead of thinking about it as something I had to do, I thought about it as something that would make me feel better after I was finished.
Based on what we have learned in class and my experience, I think that it would be very difficult for a person struggling with addiction to change his/her behavior. As I mentioned above, we learned that in order to overcome an addiction, it is important to change not only that specific behavior but also thoughts and other behaviors. When dealing with an addiction, the individual needs to change his/her whole life and find new ways of coping. I think that this would be a very difficult thing to do. For individuals struggling with addiction, their addiction is their coping strategy. When they stop doing the drug or behavior, they no longer know how to cope with life’s events. They then need to learn a whole new way of living and thinking. Even though my project was a very small scale to what individuals go through when recovering from an addiction, it gave me a small insight into how difficult it must be to overcome an addiction.
Based on what I have learned throughout the semester I think that support is a very important aspect of changing behavior. For people who are experiencing addiction, support is the most important thing to them. In order to change a behavior it is important to have people to talk to and to help you to continue to be motivated. It is important to look at the positives of why you are changing the behavior and why it will benefit you in the future. I think that the strengths perspective is very important in this situation. I also think that it is very important to work at understanding yourself and understand why the behavior is so important to you. This will help the individuals to not only work at changing the behavior, but also will help them to find a healthy alternative to the behavior.
I do believe that in a way habits can be broken. I think that it gets much easier to avoid doing something; however I think that the reflex is always there. I think that you always have to work at not having that habit, even if you aren’t always thinking about it. I do not necessarily believe that addictions can be cured. I think that individuals can overcome the addiction and can find positive things in their life to replace the addiction, but I think that they have to work every day to not use this substance or do a behavior. I think that over time it can become easier; however it is still important to be aware of yourself and understand that you have to continually work every day. The fact that many individuals who are addicted to a substance cannot use any other substances, such as alcohol or other drugs shows that addictions are not necessarily cured. Although addictions are not cured, they can be overcome, which shows that these individuals have great strength.


1 comment:

  1. Very insightful! I'm glad you found personal meaning in this assignment and were able to relate it to concepts that we discussed in class. best wishes for continued success! :)
