Sunday, April 21, 2013

Legalization of Marijuana- Article Summary


In the article Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth, the authors discuss potential impacts on youth if marijuana was to be legalized, briefly touch on medical marijuana, and compares the approaches to the legal status of marijuana. The authors discuss the fact that there are generally two sides to the debate on the legalization of marijuana. One side is those who believe marijuana not to be dangerous. The other side is those who believe that it is dangerous and should be illegal. These individuals often believe that the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana would increase the use of the drug substantially. The authors also briefly touched on the prohibition, decriminalization, and legalization continuum. Prohibition would mean that marijuana would be illegal and there would be penalites for selling, purchase, and possession of the drug. This side of the continuum works to decrease use. Decriminalization would meant that penalties for selling, purchase, and possession would not occur, however it would remain illegal. This prohibits the advertising of marijuana. Legalization would allow for the advertising of marijuana, but like alcohol, use would be illegal until the age of 21 (Joffe & Yancy, 2004). 

The authors also discussed he potential impact of the legalization of marijuana on youth. One concern is the fact taht legalization could result in advertisements of marijuana. These may be direcred towards adolescents, which may increase use. Also, the portrayal of marijuana on television could increase, which could also increase use in adolescents. Since there would also be less of a threat of punishment, individuals may start drug use younger (Joffe & Yancy, 2004).

Connection to Class:

This article connects to what we have discussed in class in that we recently learned about the prohibiton, decriminalization, and legalization continuum of marijuana. It is important to think of the effects that changing marijuana laws may have on adolescents and our society as a whole. It is also important to think about the effects of keeping our laws the same.


Joffe, A. & Yancy, W. (2004). Legalization of marijuana: Potential impact on youth. Pediatrics,113(6), 632-638. Retrieved from

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