Sunday, April 14, 2013

Interview Assignment


The agency that I selected to call for an interview was The Lancaster Freedom Center. I spoke to an individual who works at the agency. The agency provides outpatient and intensive patient care for individuals who are suffering from chemical addictions and mental health issues. The Lancaster Freedom Center provides outpatient individual therapy, intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), educational group, after care group, and adolescence and family groups. Intensive outpatient treatment is three days a week for two hours everyday. The after care group is the group that some clients attend after intensive outpatient treatment when they are not completely ready to stop the program. The agency's framework is a 12 step model. The Lancaster Freedom Center also uses intervention, education, and provides referrals if necessary to inpatient counseling. This agency serves a few hundred clients, but could not give an exact number. The legal and ethical guidelines that The Lancaster Freedom Center follows includes HIPPA, which has to do with confidentiality. This is even more strict than medical HIPPA because it is important for the counselor to be careful of what they tell the parents if a child is under age.

Connection to Class:

This connects to class in that it allows us to see a specific example of a treatment center and the services that they provide. I was able to understand the services and how they work with individuals who struggle with addictions. I was able to learn about the treatment center and connect the different services with what we have learned about in class.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review! Sounds like you were able to make some connections to the material learned in class - I wonder if there were some specifics you could see with regard to the population served at the Freedom Center (racial demographics, age, gender) or as far as rate of relapse?
